[sbis_l] Fwd: IMIA monthly news bulletin; no. 19, 01 November 2010

segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2010
Para conhecimento,

IMIA monthly news bulletin; no. 19, 01 November 2010

Please feel free to redistribute this bulletin, or selected contents, among your members and colleagues (quoting the origin to help promote IMIA). We thank all those members who are already using and re-using the materials.

IMIA website: http://www.imia.org   IMIA News site: http://imianews.wordpress.com/
For all official IMIA communications, please use imia@imia-services.org

1. Mario Stefanelli
2. AMIA 2010 and Medinfo2010 links
3. Call for participation in IMIA Code of Ethics update
4. Invitations to participate in new Telehealth WG and Critical Care WG
5. Forthcoming events
    a] Regional events
    b] National/international events
6. Journals
    a] ACI invitation from IMIA President Antoine Geissbuhler
    b] IMIA official journals
    c] Request for information on member society journals
7. Next bulletin

1. Mario Stefanelli

As many of you will already be aware, it was with great sadness and regret that we all received the news of the death of Mario Stefanelli. Mario made many significant contributions to the work of IMIA, through involvement in several Medinfo events, and he was a valuable researcher and contributor, and leader, in his areas of expertise. Several tributes have been provided, both through the EFMI website (http://www.efmi.org) by EFMI President John Mantas, and through the IMIA News website (http://wp.me/pvCUS-wx), by Mario's colleague at the University of Pavia, Dr. Riccardo Bellazzi.

2.  AMIA2010 and continuing discussions on Medinfo2010 themes and issues

Medinfo-AMIA bridge http://grou.ps/medinfo2amia2010
This collaborative space was refocused following Medinfo2010, and used  to explore themes in international informatics in the context of the Medinfo2010 and AMIA2010 conferences. There have been two moderated discussions; the first, on Global Approaches to Using Informatics to Support Quality and Safety, and a second, on mHealth.

Issues from these discussions, and summaries of Medinfo2010, will contribute to sessions at AMIA2010, and we will be then exploring future collaborations/explorations of the issues. This initiative is being lead by Gil Kuperman, AMIA2010 SPC Chair.

3. Call for participation in IMIA Code of Ethics update

The IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Information Professionals was endorsed by the IMIA GA in 2002. The code was the culmination of a global collaborative effort led by IMIA's then Working Group on Data Protection in Health Information, chaired by Prof Ab Baker of the Netherlands.The primary author of the code was Dr. Eike-Henner W. Kluge, University of Victoria, Canada.

The 2010 IMIA GA has approved the formation of a taskforce to examine the code and recommend any updates. Prof. Kluge has kindly agreed to lead this work again. If anyone wishes to participate in this work, or contribute in any way, they are invited to contact Prof. Kluge at ekluge@uvic.ca

4. Invitations to participate in new Telehealth WG and Critical Care WG

The 2010 IMIA GA approved the formation of several new WGs, and activity to re-activate or refocus the activities of others. The chairs of two in particular invite interested people who wish to actively contribute to the WG activities to contact them.

The Telehealth WG (a refocussing of the Telematics WG) chair is Dr S B Gogia (gogia7@gmail.com) from the Indian Association for Medical Informatics (IAMI) and the vice chair is Prof. Anthony Maeder (a.maeder@uws.edu.au) from University of Western Sydney, Australia.

The new Critical Care WG has Mr Reza Shahpori (Reza.shahpori@albertahealthservices.ca) from Alberta Health Services, Canada as chair.

Anyone interested in active contribution to any WGs should contact the chairs and vice chairs, whose information is on the IMIA website.

5. Forthcoming events

a] Regional events

The next MIE (Medical Informatics Europe) will be MIE2011 - http://www.mie2011.org/ - Oslo, Norway on 28-321 August, 2011. The Call for Submissions is now open; full details are on the MIE20111 website.
The Call for Full Papers closes on January 30, 2011. For all other categories of contribution, the closing date in March 15, 2011.

The call for papers and posters for the EFMI STC 2011 conference, which will be held 14 – 15 April 2011 in Lasko, Slovenia, has been extended. The deadline for submission of papers and posters is now 15 November, 2010.

APAMI (Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics) are pleased to announce that the APAMI 2012 conference will be hosted by CMIA, China Medical Informatics Association. Further details on date and venue will be announced.

b] National/international events

A selection of forthcoming events; more information is on the IMIA and IMIA News websites, and in the Methods Calendar of Events.

HINZ2010 - 2-4 November, 2010. Wellington, New Zealand. http://www.hinz.org.nz/page/conference  - see IMIA News at http://wp.me/pvCUS-rg    Follow on Twitter (#HINZ2010) or at http://paper.li/tag/HINZ2010

AMIA2010 - 13-17 November, 2010. Washington DC, USA. http://symposium2010.amia.org/
IFHRO 2010 - 15-19 November, 2010. Milan, Italy. http://www.ifhro2010.it  Note new venue is MIC Milano Convention Centre, Via Giovanni Gattamelata 5, 20149 Milano

HISI 2010 - 17-18 November, 2010, Dublin, Ireland. http://www.hisi.ie

Medicine 2.0'10 - 29-30 November. Maastricht, The Netherlands. http://www.medicine20congress.com

VIII International Congress on Health Informatics - 07-11 february, 2011. Havana, Cuba.    http://www.informaticasalud2011.sld.cu/index.php/informaticasalud/201

ITCH 2011 - 24-27 February, 2011. Victoria BC, Canada. http://itch.uvic.ca/index.php 

HIMSS11; Annual Conference and Exhibition - 20-24 February, 2011. Orange County Convention Center, Orlando FL, USA. http://www.himssconference.org

EFMI 2011 STC Special Topic Conference - 14-15 April, 2011. Lasko, Slovenia. http://www.stc2011.org

6. Journals

a] ACI invitation from IMIA President Antoine Geissbuhler

Antoine Geissbühler, IMIA President, encourages IMIA members, and the wider international health and biomedical informatics community, to contribute to Applied Clinical informatics (ACI). He writes:

Applied Clinical Informatics (ACI), an official Journal of IMIA, is a peer-reviewed eJournal that can be accessed at www.aci-journal.org With Applied Clinical informatics (ACI) we established an international platform for knowledge sharing between clinical medicine and health IT specialists. We bridge gaps between visionary design and successful and pragmatic deployment. IMIA is very proud to sponsor this new journal and we are hoping to attract submissions and reviews from readers all over the world.

The importance of an international journal dedicated to the application of health information technology at the bedside can not be underestimated. Sharing of knowledge across borders, allowing others to learn from your implementation experiences, and preventing the duplication of errors by sharing lessons learned is critical to better patient care.

We are inviting you and your colleagues to submit your work to Applied Clinical Informatics. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Clinical information systems

  1. Administrative and management systems
  2. eHealth systems
  3. Information technology development and deployment
  4. Evaluation of information technology
  5. Socio-technical aspects of information technology
  6. Health IT training.

Applied Clinical Informatics is using a double-blinded review process to assure that all submissions receive the same unbiased reviews. The average time from submission to final decision was only 59 days for Applied Clinical Informatics in 2010.

To showcase the high quality of ACI – IMIA has made the first issue available for free (>>>). In case you require an extended trial access on pay-per-view articles before you wish to submit a paper via http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/acij or before you subscribe to the eJournal, please do not hesitate to contact andrea.muehl@schattauer.de

Every Wednesday is ACI Day, with the new research articles, reviews, case reports and the latest news.

For further information on this peer-reviewed eJournal, go to www.aci-journal.org

b] IMIA Official Journals

IMIA has three official journals: Methods of Information in Medicine (http://www.methods-online.com/) and Applied Clinical Informatics (http://www.aci-journal.org/) (Schattauer Publishers Stuttgart) and Elsevier Science's International Journal of Medical Informatics (http://www.ijmijournal.com/home).

ACI and Methods of Information in Medicine, both published by Schattauer, have eTOC (electronic tables of contents). To keep up to date on the latest changes, new articles, etc., you can subscribe to these  - http://bit.ly/diZQse  You can choose to subscribe to the ACI eTOC, the Methods eTOC, or both – and similar listings for other journals. The websites of both journals also have full information on subscribing, and for authors interested in publishing.

Methods Volume 49, Issue 5 is available at: http://www.methods-online.com

c] Request for information on member society journals

Many IMIA member societies, and some WGs, publish regular journals, newletters, etc. We wish to compile a complete list of these. We invite members to send details of their journals and other regular publications (eg e-News services).

7. December 2010 bulletin

The December 2010 bulletin will be published on 01 December. For more frequent news updates, and subscription options by email, RSS feeds, etc., see the IMIA News site at http://imianews.wordpress.com/

If you have items to be included in the bulletin, please submit to news@imia-services.org by 29 November.

END OF IMIA News Bulletin, November 2010

Dr Peter J. Murray

International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA)
81 Boulevard de la Cluse
1205 Geneva

Skype: imia-office
Email: imia@imia-services.org
Web: http://www.imia.org

NI2012 - Montreal, Canada - June 23-27, 2012 - http://www.ni2012.org
Medinfo2013 - Copenhagen, Denmark - September 8-12, 2013 - http://www.medinfo2013.dk

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