From: Jose M. Juarez <>
Date: 2011/4/4
Subject: CFP: I Int. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications
Workshop of Conference of the Spanish Society of AI (CAEPIA 2011 )
7-11 Nov 2011-04-01
San Cristobal de la Laguna, Tenerife (Canary Islads, Spain)
Call for Papers
AIHealth goal is to advance in AI applications in health care and the biomedical field, covering the theoretical and practical aspects such as developments, case of study, and real-world experiences of AI in these domains.
Workshop website:
Jose M. Juarez and Jose Palma
Dept. of Information and Communication Engineering.
Unviersity of Murcia, Spain.
Phone: +34 868 887 864
Email: {jmjuarez|jtpalma}
The scope of the conference includes (but not limited to) the following techniques (1) applied in the following problems(2):
(1)Artificial Intelligence Techniques
* Analogical Reasoning and CBR.
* Analogical and case-based reasoning.
* Data mining.
* Expert systems.
* Genetic algorithms.
* Intelligent agents.
* Knowledge representation, reasoning and logic.
* Natural language processing.
* Neuronal networks.
* Ontologies and the Semantic Web.
* Probabilistic reasoning.
* Reasoning with uncertainty.
* Temporal reasoning.
(2)Healthcare and Biomedical Problem
* Ambient intelligence in healthcare.
* Biosignal processing.
* Biomedical imaging and vision.
* Clinical Protocols and Guidelines.
* Diagnosis support.
* e-Health.
* Monitoring.
* Nursing clinical applications.
* Patient record modelling.
* Telemedicine.
* Terminologies and Standardization.
* Therapy planning.
* Semantic Interoperability.
The committee will request high quality original papers on the mentioned topics, neither published nor submitted to any other conferences or journals.
Submitted papers must be written in English language using LNCS format (Spriger). Maximum 10 pages.
Each paper will refereed by at least three reviewers of the Workshop committee. Papers should be electronically in pdf format.
Papers will be published within the proceedings of the Conference of the Spanish Society of AI and selected best papers will be published in a LNAI volume published by Springer-Verlag.
Submission web:
(Select Track: 'I Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and Biomedical Applications')
Program Committee:
* Alonso Betanzos, Amparo (Univerity of A Coruña, Spain)
* Alvarez León, Luis (University of Las Palmas G. C., Spain)
* Campos Martínez, Manuel (University of Murcia, Spain)
* Felix Llamas, Paulo (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
* Fernandez Breis, Jesualdo (University of Murcia, Spain)
* Guijarro Berdiñas, Bertha (University of A Coruña, Spain)
* Marin Morales, Roque (University of Murcia, Spain)
* Martinez Tomás, Rafael (UNED University, Spain)
* Ocampo Edye, Ernesto (Catholic University of Uruguay, Uruguay)
* Oliboni, Barbara (University of Verona, Italy)
* Palacios Ortega, Francisco (Hospital University of Getafe, Spain)
* Portinale, Luigi (University of the Western Piedmont, Italy)
* Rodriges Dos Santos, Marcelo (Health Department of the State Minas Gerais, Brazil)
* Schultz, Stephan (Medizinische Universität Graz, Germany)
* Taboada Iglesias, Maria Jesús (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
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