[sbis_l] Fwd: IMIA Monthly News Bulletin - No. 25, May 2011

segunda-feira, 9 de maio de 2011

IMIA Monthly News Bulletin - No. 25, May 2011
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International Medical                                     Informatics Association (IMIA -                                     www.imia.org)

IMIA monthly news bulletin; no. 25, 09 May 2011

IMIA News site: http://imianews.wordpress.com
For all official IMIA communications, please use imia@imia-services.org

Table of Contents:

1. IMIA Code of Ethics - Final Call for Updates
2. INFOLAC2011: Guadalajara, Mexico
3. NI2012 and IMIA-NI
4. Calls for Papers - Special Topic Issues of European Journal for Biomedical Informatics
5. Call for papers for a special topic section in Methods of Information in Medicine.
6. Fifth International Symposium on Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics
7. Medinfo2015 bids deadline
8. IMIA social media channels
9. Forthcoming events
    a] Regional events
    b] National/international events
10. IMIA Publications: Yearbook and Journals
    a] IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics
    b] IMIA official journals
    c] IMIA Member Society journals
    d] Other IMIA-related journals
11. Regional editors and regular contributors sought for IMIA News and Bulletin
12. Next bulletin


June 01, 2011 - Deadline for FULL bids for Medinfo2015 - IMIA Member Societies only are eligible to submit (see item 7)
June 20, 2011 - Deadline for EJBI Calls (see item 4)
August 01, 2011 - Deadline for submissions for Methods Special Topic Section (see item 5)
August 31, 2011 - Deadline for submissions for NI2012 (see item 3)

1. IMIA Code of Ethics - Final Call for Updates

The IMIA Code of Ethics for Health Informatics Professionals was endorsed at the IMIA General Assembly meeting in 2002. Dr. Eike-Henner W. Kluge is currently leading an IMIA taskforce (including B. Barber (UK), P. Croll (Australia), K. Ishikawa (Japan) and L. Moura (Brazil)) considering whether the Code of Ethics requires up-dating and if so, in what regard.

The ad hoc committee is making a final request, inviting comments and/or suggestions from IMIA members. Comments and/or suggestions should be addressed to the Committee Chair at ekluge@uvic.ca by 31 May 2011 at the latest

If anyone requires a PDF copy of the Code, please email imia@imia-services.org

2. INFOLAC2011: Guadalajara, Mexico

The INFOLAC2011 conference (Latin American Conference of Medical Informatics) will be held on 17-19 May, 2011 (in conjunction with the IMIA Board meeting on 20 May) in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The conference website is at http://www.infolac2011.org and further information will be available as it is developed. The programme is available at http://www.infolac2011.org/docs/PROGRAMA_FINAL_INFOLAC_ENG_V1%5B1%5D.pdf (there is also a Spanish version).The event is being organised and supported by, among others, the Mexican Medical Informatics Association (AMIM) and IMIA-LAC.

See also https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=194767770535736

3. NI2012 and IMIA-NI - Call for Submissions Open

NI2012, the 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, will be held in Montreal, Canada on 23-27 June, 2012. The Call for Submissions is now open on the website at http://www.ni2012.org

The submission deadline for NI2012 is August 31, 2011. NI2012 will also be offering a submission mentorship program (similar to that used for Medinfo2010), which will offer the opportunity for those that need assistance in submitting. The deadline for submissions with mentoring is July 31, 2011. Full information about submission is on the NI2012 website at http://www.ni2012.org/submissions

4. Calls for Papers - Special Topic Issues of European Journal for Biomedical Informatics

On behalf of our colleague, Prof. Jana Zvarova, Editor-in-Chief of the journal EJBI (European Journal for Biomedical Informatics - http://www.ejbi.org), we are pleased to announce Calls for Papers for two Special Topic Issues.

EJBI seeks for papers for the special issue on Education in Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics. The editors of the special issue are Prof. John Mantas and Prof. Arie Hasman.

EJBI seeks for papers for the special issue on Support of eHealth Applications by Legal Systems in Europe. The editors of the special issue are Petra Wilson and Zoi Kolitsi. 

Paper submission date for both calls is June 20th 2011. See http://wp.me/pvCUS-Kg for further details and links to the Calls

5. Call for papers for a special topic section in Methods of Information in Medicine

A Call is open for papers for a special topic section in Methods of Information in Medicine. Topic: Health information search – free text, visual information, knowledge bases and combinations
Full information is available at: http://www.khresmoi.eu/methods/ Submissions deadline 01 August, 2011

See also information at http://wp.me/pvCUS-FU

6. Fifth International Symposium on Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics

The Fifth International Symposium on Human Factors Engineering in Health Informatics will be held in Trondheim, Norway, August 26-27, 2011. This immediately precedes MIE2011 (www.mie2011.org). Full information about the event, including the Call for Submissions, can be found at http://sites.google.com/site/hfehi2011/

See also information at http://wp.me/pvCUS-FP

7. Medinfo2015 bids deadline - final reminder

All eligible IMIA Member Societies are reminded that the deadline for submission of FULL bids to host Medinfo2015 is JUNE 01, 2011. All bid documents should be submitted to Prof. Riccardo Bellazzi, IMIA VP Medinfo and copied to the IMIA CEO. Voting will take place at the next IMIA General Assembly, in Oslo, Norway on 28 August, 2011. Any queries should be directed to Riccardo at riccardo.bellazzi@unipv.it

8. IMIA social media channels

If you are on Facebook, you can find (and 'like') IMIA at http://www.facebook.com/pages/IMIA/191053744240749 We will be exploring the potential of Facebook and other social media ('Web 2.0') tools to interact with members and the wider health and medical informatics community.

Other IMIA social media channels include:

Facebook group (which may be superseded by the new page) – http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5675909898

9. Forthcoming events

CALL: We should be grateful if IMIA Member Societies, Working/Special Interest Groups and others who are organising events could provide us with information on them, so that we can help promote them through IMIA channels. We also welcome suggestions on events that might be of interest to IMIA members. Advance notice of submission deadlines, deadline extensions, etc., is also of value.
a] Regional events

The next MIE (Medical Informatics Europe) will be MIE2011 - http://www.mie2011.org - Oslo, Norway on 28-31 August, 2011. Full details are on the MIE2011 website.

The INFOLAC2011 conference will be held on 17-19 May, 2011 (in conjunction with the IMIA Board meeting on 20 May) in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. [see item above]

The APAMI (Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics) 2012 conference will be hosted by CMIA, China Medical Informatics Association. Further details on date and venue will be announced.

Regional websites and social media:
APAMI - http://www.apami.org
EFMI - http://www.efmi.org
IMIA-LAC - http://www.imia-lac.net  Twitter: @IMIA_LAC  Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/IMIA-LAC/142030045856699

b] National/international events

A selection of forthcoming events; more information is on the IMIA and IMIA News websites, and in the Methods Calendar of Events. Most of these are offered by IMIA Members and Member Societies, although we also include others that may be of interest.

ANIA-CARING Nursing Informatics Conference: 13-14 May, 2011. Las Vegas, NV, USA. http://www.ania-caring.org

PHI 2011: 25-27 May, 2011. Orlando, FL, USA. http://phi2011.amia.org

eHealth2011: 26-27 May, 2011. Vienna, Austria. http://www.ehealth2011.at

e-Health 2011: 29 May - 01 June, 2011. Toronto, Canada. http://www.e-healthconference.com/

AIME2011 (Artificial Intelligence in Medicine): 2-6 July, 2011. Bled, Slovenia. http://www.aimedicine.info/aime11/

SINI2011: Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics: 20-23 July, 2011. Baltimore MD, USA. http://nursing.umaryland.edu/sini

HIC2011: 01-15 August, 2011. Brisbane, Australia. http://www.hisa.org.au/hic2011

Public Health Informatics 2011 Conference, Aug 21 – 24, 2011, Atlanta, GA, USA.

Medicine 2.0'11: 16-18 September, 2011. Stanford University, CA, USA. http://www.medicine20congress.com

AMIA 2011 Annual Symposium: 22-26 October, 2011. Washington DC, USA. https://www.amia.org/amia2011

10. IMIA Publications: Yearbook and Journals

a] IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics
The 2010 IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics is available, and copies were distributed at the 2010 IMIA General Assembly in Cape Town, South Africa, as well as to participants in Medinfo2010. The theme of the 2010 issue is 'Biomedical Informatics: Building Capacity Worldwide'.

Full electronic access is available to IMIA Member Societies who wish to subscribe to this facility, and access information has been sent to all subscribing societies. The current price is an additional 150% of the subscribing society's IMIA membership fee. Any IMIA Member Society that does not currently subscribe to the full electronic access, and wishes to do so, should contact IMIA to discuss arrangements further.

Early work is already well underway on producing the 2011 IMIA Yearbook. Information on the current IMIA Yearbook, and previous years' issues, is at http://www.imiapubs.org

b] IMIA Official Journals

IMIA has three official journals:

Applied Clinical Informatics
(http://www.aci-journal.org/) Published by Schattauer; editor-in-chief Christoph U Lehmann (email: clehmann@jhmi.edu).
ACI has electronic Table of Contents (eTOC) facility (http://aci.schattauer.de/en/contents/register-for-etoc.html) and can also be found on Facebook and Twitter.
Latest eTOC 2011 2(2) (link to one article for FREE DOWNLOAD) is at http://wp.me/pvCUS-JT Last complete issues uTOC is 2011 2(1) – see http://wp.me/pvCUS-HI

International Journal of Medical Informatics (http://www.ijmijournal.com/home) Published by Elsevier; editors Charles Safran (email: csafran@gmail.com) and Jan Talmon (email: talmon@maastrichtuniversity.nl).
Latest eTOC is Vol. 80, Issue 6 – see http://wp.me/pvCUS-K0

Methids                                 cover 2011:1

Methods of Information in Medicine (http://www.methods-online.com/) Published by Schattauer; editor-in-chief Reinhold Haux (email: ed@MethodsInfMed.org).
Methods has electronic Table of Contents (eTOC) facility (http://www.schattauer.de/en/magazine/subject-areas/journals-a-z/methods/contents/register-for-etoc.html)
Latest eTOC is Vol. 50, Issue 2 - see http://wp.me/pvCUS-GM

Methods celebrates 50 years; archives available online

Methods of Information in Medicine, an official journal of IMIA, publishes its 50th volume in 2011. Methods, in a joint effort between the Schattauer Publishing Company and the Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics, announces that, from 2011 onwards, all articles of Methods from 1962 to the present can be accessed online. In addition, all articles up to (currently) Volume 49, Issue 1 (2010) are now available as free downloads (http://www.schattauer.de/en/magazine/subject-areas/journals-a-z/methods/contents/archive.html). (http://wp.me/pvCUS-Co)

eTOC are made available for each journal on the IMIA News website as they become available.

b] IMIA Member Society journals
Many IMIA Member Societies produce their own journals, often in local languages to meet the needs of local members. We wish to compile a complete list, and to add the information to societies' entries on the IMIA website; we request Member Societies to send us details of their journals.

The current partial list includes:

Acta Informatica Medica: journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Academy of Medical Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Clinical Informatics and Telemedicine (Ukraine): official journal of the Ukrainian Association for Computer Medicine

electronic Journal of Health Informatics (eJHI): official journal of Health Informatics Society Australia (HISA) and Australasian College of Health Informatics (an IMIA Academic Institutional Member)

The Finnish Journal of eHealth and eWelfare (FinJeHeW)

Indian Journal of Medical Informatics:

JAMIA – Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association:

The Journal of Health Informatics (JHI): an official publication of the Brazilian Health Informatics Society:

We are grateful to our colleague Prof. Dr. Jana Zvarova for pointing out the following conference publication that provides a list and analysis of EFMI member countries' journals:
Task Force of the EFMI Journals: Background, Rationale and Purpose by Izet MASIC, Josipa KERN, Jana ZVAROVA, Simon de LUSIGNAN.
Published in: Medical Informatics in a United and Healthy Europe (MIE2009 Proceedings), K.-P. Adlassnig et al. (Eds.), IOS Press, 2009.
© 2009 European Federation for Medical Informatics. doi:10.3233/978-1-60750-044-5-946

c] Other IMIA-related journals

In addition to the above, Informatics in Primary Care (http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/rmp/ipc;jsessionid=188tj84krna9n.alice) is a journal of the IMIA Primary Care Informatics Working Group.

11. Regional editors and regular contributors sought for IMIA News and Bulletin

We would like to expand the service that IMIA offers to its members, and to the wider international community, both in this monthly bulletin, and on the IMIA News website. We wish to provide regular updates of information, specially from our regional members. If you would be willing to be a regular contributor, or provide regular updates from your region, please contact us to discuss this further. At present, there is no financial payment for this, but you will receive acknowledgement by being listed appropriately. The commitment can be variable, but would be of the order of a minimum of 1-2 hours per month.

12. Next bulletin – June 2011

The June 2011 bulletin will be published on 01 June. For more frequent news updates, and subscription options by email, RSS feeds, etc., see the IMIA News site at http://imianews.wordpress.com

If you have items to be included in the bulletin, please submit to news@imia-services.org by 28 May.

END OF IMIA News Bulletin, May 2011

Please feel free to redistribute this bulletin, or selected contents, among your members and colleagues (quoting the origin to help promote IMIA). We thank all those members who are already using and re-using the materials.

Disclaimer: Whilst every care is taken to provide accurate information in compiling this bulletin, IMIA cannot vouch for the accuracy of information provided on other web sites to which the bulletin links, and opinions expressed on those sites should not be construed to be those of IMIA.

Dr Peter J. Murray

International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA)
81 Boulevard de la Cluse
1205 Geneva

Skype: imia-office
Email: imia@imia-services.org
Web: http://www.imia.org

NI2012 - Montreal, Canada - June 23-27, 2012 - http://www.ni2012.org
Medinfo2013 - Copenhagen, Denmark - August 20-23, 2013 - http://www.medinfo2013.dk

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