Dear all,
Our Centre for Health Informatics (Australia) is advertising for PhD scholarship positions in a variety of areas including social media/computing (pls see below). If are interested in applying / would like more information, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Also, please feel free to circulate it within your network.
Kind regards
Annie (email:
PhD SCHOLARSHIPS in Computers, Systems and Health Innovation
University of New South Wales, Centre for Health Informatics Sydney, Australia
We are seeking candidates with a strong academic record to undertake a PhD funded by our new NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence (CRE) in e-Health. The CRE will initially focus on IT safety, consumer e-health and next generation decision support systems. PhD topics will however reflect the broader agenda of the CRE, Candidates may have a clinical or a technical background. We welcome applications from those with a technical background in social media/computing, virtual reality, human-computer interaction, mobile applications, web technologies, natural language processing, system modelling and simulation, bioinformatics, machine learning, systems safety, biosurveillance, and decision support – all of which have direct health application.
The scholarships provide an annual tax-exempt stipend of AU$25,025 commencing in S1 or S2 2012 for three years full time with the possibility of a six months extension and will be awarded on a competitive basis. For candidates with an APA or similar scholarship award, we are happy to offer a top up of AU$5,000 per annum to support travel and direct research costs. To apply for these scholarships you must be an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident or New Zealand citizen. Applications close on 9 December 2011.
1. Quality of academic record (HI or HIIA honours degree or equivalent in computer science, engineering, health, medicine, psychology or other relevant discipline);
2. An interest in health/biomedical informatics;
3. Potential for completing a PhD;
4. Good organisational skills and demonstrated capacity to meet milestones;
5. Good communication and interpersonal skills;
6. Commitment to team working;
Applications must include the following:
- Curriculum vitae with your qualifications and work experience.
- Your response to the selection criteria
- A certified copy of academic transcripts
- A summary of your research interests
- The names and contact details of at least two referees Proposed starting date if offered a place
For further information please contact Prof Enrico Coiera or Dr Farah Magrabi and to submit an application please contact Dr Farah Magrabi
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