Latin America Regional Meeting
School of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (USP)
Symposium on Health Education
08.04.2014 12:30-14:00 CORAL ROOM
5.2 TIC and Health Education
12:30-12:45: Integrated Training of Investigative Reasoning in Telepathology. Paulo Saldiva | Faculty of Medicine | University of São Paulo | Brazil.
12:45-13:00: Technological System in Monterrey. Martín Hernandez Torre | Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education | Mexico
13:00-13:15: Social Media and Medical Education
Kendall Ho | Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine | Director, eHealth Strategy Office | Faculty of Medicine | University of British Columbia | Canada ()
13:15-13:30: Distance Education: A Training Model for Clinical Research. Biykem Bozkurt | Baylor College of Medicine | United States
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Re: [sbis_l] World Health Summit São Paulo: Sy,posium TIC and Health Education (8/04)
terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2014
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