Paulo Lopes, Dr.Sc. , Eng.
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De: Paulo Lopes <>
Enviado: 3 de abril de 2019 21:32:16 BRT
Assunto: [RUTE-Comunicacao] Public Consultation on the Draft Global Strategy on Digital Health
Prezados Membros da RUTE,
A véspera do Global Summit Telemedicine & Digital Health em São Paulo, para levar os Congressistas à nova era da Saúde Digital e ao futuro da Telemedicina no Brasil e no mundo,divulgo a chamada de consulta pública da OMS sobre uma versão preliminar para uma Estratégia em Saúde Digital.
Public Consultation on the Draft Global Strategy on Digital Health
On behalf of the World Health Organization, we thank you in advance for your comments on the draft Global Strategy on Digital Health.
The use of digital technologies to improve public health as well as individual health and well-being is growing rapidly. This field, also referred to as digital health, has been recognized as instrumental in delivering the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and achieving universal health coverage (UHC).
WHO Member States reiterated the importance and role of digital health in the recent resolution WHA71.7 which highlights "recent progress in the development and implementation of digital health strategies, policies, legislation and programmes by Member States, WHO and partner organizations".
At the same time, the Resolution requests development of a Global Strategy on Digital Health in close consultation with Member States and with inputs from relevant stakeholders.
The Strategy aims to identify areas where WHO, its partners and stakeholders should most usefully focus their efforts. The draft document has identified four strategic objectives and a proposed framework for action. The strategic objectives aim to: 1) work together as a set, 2) help to accelerate the digital health agenda in countries, 3) address global issues and 4) set the future direction for innovation and research. The field of digital health involves a wide range of stakeholders from policy-makers to technology developers, healthy individuals and patients. The target audience for this consultation is all stakeholders in the digital health arena, who are welcome to submit their comments. Policy-makers and officials from governments and nongovernmental organizations, UN agencies, donors, health care professionals and their organizations, health managers, academic and research institutions, individuals, patients and their associations, ICT professionals and their associations and companies are invited to read the draft Strategy and then encouraged to contribute. Due to the volume of comments expected, there will be no acknowledgement of individuals or attribution of input, either online or in the resulting Strategy or related publications. The Secretariat will consider all comments received during the consultation period. A final draft version of the Strategy will then be submitted to Member States for further consultation.
The web-based comment period will close on 30 April 2019, 00:00 CEST.
Paulo Lopes, Dr.Sc. , Eng.
Especialista da Comunidade Saúde
Diretoria Adj. Relac. Institucional - DARI
Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa - RNP
Tel./WhatsApp: 61- 3243-4509
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