[sbis_l] ENC: Reminder to Register CTRMD2023 Congress in Orlando

quarta-feira, 27 de setembro de 2023




Dear Colleagues,

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to attend The American Conference on Clinical Trials & Regulation of Medical Devices (CTRMD2023) which will take place 20-21 November 2023 in Orlando, Florida.

The Conference is designed to be an integrative event with a wide variety of topics ranging from important regulatory updates to best practices in clinical, regulatory and quality of medical devices that will be presented by highly experienced professionals and technical experts from regulatory bodies, academia, and industry.

The Conference is of special interest to regulatory affairs, clinical trials, and quality assurance individuals working in the medical device ecosystem.

The Conference will focus on the following key areas:

·         Regulatory Updates and Trends

·         Combining Regulatory/Clinical and Reimbursement Strategies

·         Challenges in Regulating AI/ML Medical Devices

·         Cybersecurity Trends and Updates

·         First in Human/Pilot Study – Tips & Tricks

·         Clinical Data vs. Real World Evidence

·         Quality Management Systems and MDSAP

·         Clinical Evaluation Process and Report

·         The Role of Risk Management in Pre- and Post-Marketing

·         Post-Market Activities – Do's and Don'ts

·         Usability/Human Factors Trends and Updates

We look forward to welcoming you to the CTRMD2023 in Orlando.




Orlando is one of the most-visited cities in the world primarily due to tourism, major events, and convention traffic.

Orlando is best known for theme parks and attractions, but they only tell part of our story. The rest of the tale unfolds in distinctive neighborhoods, towns and districts throughout the area...



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