Pervasive Health 2012 Call for Papers
Paper Submission: February 1st, 2012
Notification of Acceptance: March 31st, 2012
Camera Ready: April 10th, 2012
Conference Dates: 21st May - Workshops, 22-24 Main Track
Conference Aims
The overall goal of the conference remains tightly coupled with the
original aims of the field, to address a set of related technologies
and concepts that help integrate healthcare more seamlessly into
everyday life, regardless of space and time. To achieve this, it is
necessary to take a multidisciplinary approach to Pervasive Healthcare
Technology research and development. The Pervasive Healthcare
Community has a broad scope of research topics and concerns:
-identifying and understanding problems from a technological, social,
and medical perspective (with a particular emphasis on understanding
and supporting patient needs); -design, implementation, and evaluation
of supporting hardware and software infrastructures, algorithms, and
applications; and -organisational strategies that facilitate
integration of Pervasive Healthcare Technology into the healthcare
The 2012 Pervasive Healthcare conference aims to gather technology
experts, practitioners, industry and international authorities
contributing towards the assessment, development and deployment of
pervasive medical based technologies, standards and procedures.
The theme of this year's conference is: Coping with the Challenges and
Opportunities within Pervasive E-Healthcare (COPE), with a special
focus on pervasive healthcare management and its ability to deliver
timely, quality based information to medical practitioners in
providing high levels of patient care. The challenges and
opportunities within e-Healthcare are immense. A multidisciplinary and
coordinated approach is needed from 1) user requirements, 2)
technology development and 3) application integration, to help deliver
a successful pervasive healthcare management system.
Traditional healthcare environments are extremely complex and
challenging to manage, as they are required to cope with an assortment
of patient conditions under various circumstances with a number of
resource constraints. Pervasive healthcare technologies seek to
respond to a variety of these pressures by successfully integrating
them within existing health care environments.
Technologies, standards and procedures on their own provide little and
or no meaningful service. It is essential that pervasive healthcare
environments, through a combined approach of data collection, data
correlation and data presentation, assist health care professionals in
delivering high levels of patient care, and empower individuals and
their families for self-care and health management.
We welcome contributions from the following fields:
Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health Professions
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work(CSCW)
Sensing Technologies and Distributed Computing
Hardware and Software Infrastructures
Each paper will be blind peer-reviewed by members of the Pervasive
Health 2012 program committee with additional expert reviewers drawn
from relevant research domains.
Submissions will be evaluated based on their originality, significance
of the contribution to the field, technical correctness and
presentation. The paper should make explicit how the work offers
unique and substantial contribution beyond what has already been
published or submitted.
We seek novel, innovative, and exciting work in areas including but
not limited to:
Pervasive Healthcare Management
Challenges surrounding data quality
Identifying and addressing stakeholder conflicts: patient needs,
caregiver needs, health professional needs, organisational needs
Standards and interoperability in pervasive healthcare
Business cases and cost issues
Security and privacy issues
Training of healthcare professional for pervasive healthcare
Legal and regulatory issues
Insurance payments and cost aspects
Staffing and resource management
Understanding Users
User requirements
Identifying and addressing stakeholder conflicts: patient needs,
caregiver needs, health professional needs, organisational needs
Usability and acceptability
Barriers to adoption, and enablers
Social implications of pervasive health technology, and social inclusion
Coverage and delivery of pervasive healthcare services
Patient empowerment
Diversity: population and condition-specific requirements
Inclusive research and design: engaging underepresented populations
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Physiological models for interpreting medical sensor data
Activity recognition
Fall detection
User modelling and personalization
Modelling of Pervasive Healthcare environments
Sensor-based decision support systems
Design and evaluation of patient and ambient-related sensors
Wearable and implantable sensor integration
Data fusion in pervasive healthcare environments
Data mining medical patient records
Software architectures e.g. Agent, SOA, distributed middlewares
Electronic Health Records (EHR)
Autonomous systems to support independent living
Clinical applications, validation and evaluation studies
Chronic disease and health risk management applications
Health promotion and disease prevention
Home based health and wellness measurement and monitoring
Continuous vs event-driven monitoring of patients
Smart homes and hospitals
Using mobile devices in the storage, update, and transmission of patient data
Wellbeing and lifestyle support
Systems to support individuals with auditory, cognitive, or vision
Systems to support caregivers
Type of Submissions
All accepted submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (to be confirmed). The acceptance rate was under 30% for
Pervasive Health 2010 and 2011. Pervasive Health will accept
submissions in the following categories:
Full papers (up to 8 pages submissions) - Full papers are
submissions describing results and original research work not
submitted or published elsewhere in one of the four main categories
listed below. Full papers should properly place the work within the
field, cite related work, and clearly indicate the innovative aspects
of the work and its contribution to the field.
Posters (up to 4 pages submissions) - Authors are invited to
submit work in progress whose preliminary results are already
interesting to Pervasive Health audience. The poster track will give
Pervasive Health attendees a way to learn about ongoing research
initiatives and will provide presenters with an excellent opportunity
to receive invaluable direct feedback from experts.
Demos (2 pages submissions) - The demos track will showcase the
latest developments and prototypes related to the topics of interest
of the conference. The expected demo submissions should describe the
technical details of the demo alongside its contribution to the
healthcare domain.
Position Papers (2 pages submissions) - Position papers are
envisioned to provide insight into the lessons learnt from current
(industrial, practitioners, government, etc.) pervasive healthcare
practice. The position papers track is envisioned to provide the view
of practitioners to the pervasive health community in order to have a
more clear understanding about the real needs of healthcare operators
and in this way shorten the gap between technologists and the
every-day needs of practitioners.
Workshop proposals (2 pages submissions) Several workshops will be
run in conjunction with the conference. The purpose of these workshops
is to discuss work in progress and explore opportunities for new
research related to pervasive healthcare. Proposals for workshops
should be submitted directly to the workshops co-chairs at "workshops"
[at] "prevasivehealth" [dot] "org", and proposals should indicate the
preferred duration for the workshop (half/full-day).
Doctoral Consortium (4 pages) - We are pleased to announce the
first Pervasive Healthcare Doctoral Consortium. This one day event
will enable doctoral students to present and reflect on their work
alongside other doctoral students and a panel of experts. Submissions
should include a description of work done, intended future work,
alongside a specific research question or challenge that you would
like to be discussed at the consortium.
All accepted submissions will be published in IEEE Xplore Digital
Library (to be confirmed).
Workshops and Doctoral Consortium
Please visit the Workshops and Doctoral Consortium pages for detailed
submission requirements and procedures (upcoming).
Submission Instructions
Submission information will be available in due course.
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"...tomamos emprestado o slogan da Nike, 'Just do It'. Quer dizer, nao
se vanglorie, faca. E mostre ao mundo depois." (Linus Torvalds)
Marcia Ito, M.D., PhD
Laboratorio de Pesquisa em Ciencias de Servico (LaPCiS)
Unidade de Pos-Graduacao, Extensao e Pesquisa
Centro Estadual de Educacao Tecnologica Paula Souza
R. Bandeirantes, 169 - Bom Retiro - 01124-010
Sao Paulo - SP - Brasil
tel/fax: (11) 3327-3104
Twitter: @marciaito
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