[sbis_l] Fwd: Learning how to be a Chief Information Officer (CIO) in dentistry: A new online course

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012
Início da mensagem encaminhada:

De: Titus Schleyer <titus@PITT.EDU>
Data: 19 de dezembro de 2012 20:26:08 BRST
Assunto: Learning how to be a Chief Information Officer (CIO) in dentistry: A new online course
Responder A: Titus Schleyer <titus@PITT.EDU>

Hi everybody,

we are finally launching our "Introduction to Health Information Technology in Dentistry" online course in January/February 2013. Details are at "Learning how to be a Chief Information Officer (CIO) in dentistry: A new online course" (http://dentalinformatics.org/blog/?p=617). Please distribute to whoever you think would be interested.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!


P.S. This is not a MOOC. Participants will get individual attention by course faculty ;-).

P.P.S. Apologies for cross-posting.
Titus Schleyer, DMD, PhD
Assoc. Professor and Director, Center for Dental Informatics
School of Dental Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, 3501 Terrace Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15261
Skype: titus.schleyer, Ph: (412) 648-8886, Fax: (412) 648-9960, E-mail: titus@pitt.edu

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